„Branded Interactions“ in English. Interested anyone?

We need your help, guys. We think about financing an English version of Branded Interactions via Crowdfunding. Although we have a number of requests for an English version from people around the world, it seems like there is no American/English publishing house that has the guts to publish such a complex (and beautiful) book. So we’d like to do it ourselves. Unfortunately, Kickstarter is not available in Germany. So which one would be the appropriate platform? Any ideas, suggestions, advice any one?
What it is: „Branded Interactions – Digitale Markenerlebnisse planen und gestalten“ is a handbook for designers who work at the interface between brand and interactive design. Following the typical design process from analysis to distribution, it presents the relevant tools and methods for interactive branding and design and illustrates them with design patterns and examples. Branded Interactions offers sound and practical advice with case studies, expert interviews and checklists throughout the BIxD process. The Book is widely recognized as a leading specialist book on digital branding and design. It has been called „a bible for anyone working in interactive media“. More about the book (in German) at brandedinteractions.com.
Take a closer look at the beautifully crafted book here:
Flipping through the book on vimeo: https://vimeo.com/55593293
Check out our pinterest board: http://www.pinterest.com/thinkmoto/branded-interactions/