Tag: process

  • Storydrive Conference 2013

    Storydrive Conference 2013

    As a member of the German Designer Club (DDC), Marco was invited to take part in the Storydrive Conference in Beijing. The DDC was asked to give insights into storytelling in various design disciplines and media. As words are the building blocks of stories, each speaker of the DDC chose one special word to explain…

  • “Every Consultant Needs A Venn Diagram…” Hier ist unseres.

    “Every Consultant Needs A Venn Diagram…” Hier ist unseres.

    Gerade bin ich über einen Artikel der Information Architects auf Luke Wroblewskis Liste von UX Venn Diagrammen gestoßen. Beim Satz “Every consultant needs a Venn diagram”, mit dem er Jeffrey Veen zitiert, fühle ich mich ertappt. Hab ich doch selbst an mindestens zwei Stellen in Branded Interactions Venn Diagramme vorgesehen. Eines davon wird gleich im…

  • How We Work: On Branded Interaction Design (BIxD)

    How We Work: On Branded Interaction Design (BIxD)

    In my upcoming book Branded Interactions – Designing Digital Brand Touchpoints Digitale Markenerlebnisse planen und gestalten I will introduce the five “D”s of the Branded Interaction Design (BIxD) process. The BIxD framework we use at think moto allows for an agile yet coherent design development. The process combines brand strategy with a human centered design…

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